Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Classroom Response

When I presented this topic to my English 102 class, I must say I was rather nervous. Illegal Immigration is a controversial issue, like abortion or gay marriage.
Taking a stand in something you believe, when you know people will disagree with you is without a doubt frightening, but also very rewarding. Unlike past presentations I felt proud of everything I had accomplished researching this topic, and felt my response though very hard to take for some, was completely warranted. The funny thing was the only response I had against my stance on Illegal immigration was one student who wanted to know, who was going to clean our toilets after my proposal was put into effect. I found this to be completely appalling. There once was a day when we Americans were not too good to clean our own toilets. My response to send them all home wasn't because I have ill will for these people. It was totally based on compelling facts that these people our a burden on our society. Also, if I were to commit a crime in this country, that was serious enough to where I owed five-thousand dollars in restitution. Somehow I don't believe the judge will just let me off because I am a good person. In conclusion, I don't believe illegal immigrants have any right to be here, but just the same I don't think Americans have any right to exploit these people either.

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