Monday, May 7, 2007

Immigration at its Worst

Immigration At It’s Worst
We Americans are facing one of the most serious problems to confront our nation in years. Illegal immigration has been like an infection spreading without notice. Our nation and our people can’t continue to support these people. The burden these illegal immigrants are forcing us to bare is just much. According to a member of our budget committee, “We have a weakening economy, an increasing unemployment rate, a problem with adequately educating our people, a congested transportation infrastructure, and a lack of adequate health care (Williams 3).”We can’t afford illegal immigration, the price is just too high. There are many Americans who support these people in their quest for a better life, I am not one of the them. We Americans are capitalist, not communists. We don’t work hard so that other people can have better lives.
I take my three children to school everyday, but this action is not free for me. I, like the majority of other Americans, pay high tax dollars so that my children can attend good schools. These illegal immigrants are coming here and putting their children in our school systems for free. I shouldn’t say for free, at the expense of our schools, our children, and our tax dollars. With the overwhelming amount of students in each classroom the quality of our children’s education is suffering; many of these immigrant children can not speak our English language. Teachers are forced to give these children special attention, leaving them with no choice but to neglect the English speaking students.
Last year I was in a car accident with an illegal immigrant, both of us were at fault receiving tickets for; a failure to yield. This guy had no drivers license and no insurance, which he was also cited for. He was not arrested or deported, in fact he most likely got a new car. My insurance company considered his truck a total loss and paid him over eight thousand dollars. At the time I only had liability insurance, which did not cover my car. I was forced by my financial situation to drive this car to school everyday for months. I often wonder if this guy even went to court for the tickets he received, but since he isn’t an American citizen or doesn’t have a social security number to be accountable for, I guess it doesn’t matter. Currently there are eleven states which offer illegal immigrants drivers licenses, Arizona is not one of them. D.A. King the founder of the American Resistence, an organization that works to combat illegal immigration states that, “Driver’s licenses are a widely accepted form of identification in the United States and are easy for illegal immigrants to obtain.” He continues to explain how the 9/11 hijackers had no difficulty collecting sixty-three of them ( King 1). We need drivers licenses to fly on airplanes, illegal immigrants should not be given these nationally recognized forms of identification. This leads me to a statistic I heard on a television show about a month ago, twenty percent of illegal immigrants crossing our southwest borders are from somewhere in the Middle East.
Terrorism and illegal immigration are two problems that go hand-in-hand. All of the 9/11 hijackers were in our country on visas which had expired. The INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) admits that there are over 300,000 foreigners who have been ordered out of the country but have disappeared before they could be deported. According to author Lauri Friedman “ The border is an important tool in preventing terrorism. As every house has to have a door, every country has to have a border. We have been singing, ‘We are the world’ more than
we have been singing ‘America the Beautiful.’ It is now imperative that we better monitor who we admit into this country, and insure that people honor the terms of their admission. Immigration reform will not solve the problem of terrorism, but this problem will not be solved without immigration reform (Friedman 2).”
Many nations have collapsed due to immigration problems and I am afraid that we might be next on this list. We Americans have been supporting millions of immigrates that have absolutely no allegiance to this country. We saw this as they raised their Mexican flags, as they marched down our streets in their demand for amnesty. Their blatant display of disrespect for our laws that govern our way of life. Frosty Wooldridge tells us, “multiethnic empires break up in cataclysmic violence.” He gives us two examples; The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. He continues by saying France is on the same track to self-destruction (Wooldridge 3). Aristotle said it best when he said, “The only stable state is one in which all men are equal before the law.”
Healthcare and law enforcement are also feeling the burden these people are placing on our country. Hospitals can’t refuse service to anyone. If an American citizen can’t afford to pay a hospital bill, they are still responsible for it. Our social security numbers make sure that we are financially responsible. Unpaid hospital bills stop Americans from buying homes, by damaging our credit. This is true with law enforcement as well, an unpaid ticket or a missed court date will put an American citizen in jail. Not to mention the fact that it cost us more tax dollars to pay more police officers, and court officials to maintain law in our country. Illegal immigrants live in our country like ghosts; they are taking advantage of us, our systems, and our way of life. They live just as we do, but without the rules that we our governed by.
They are also causing damage to the deserts they are crossing to get here. Our deserts along the border are being littered with diapers, feces, and empty food and water containers. They are killing our animals and their natural habitats. They are stealing from our citizens who border our nation. According to Bob Moser Ranchers on our southwest borders are being victimized by this problem. “ They found their livestock being stolen or killed for food, their cattle fences being cut, and trash and human waste dotting their land (Moser 2). I have a friend who lived in Douglas Arizona, his home was broken into and robbed four times; he had two cars stolen from him and two dogs killed. After he finally realized this way of life was not subject to change, he was forced to leave his home (Ross).
Right now we have over 13 million illegal immigrants asking for amnesty in our country. This offers a solution to these people living in our county without social security numbers, but this isn’t even a fraction of the problem. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan proposed a blanket amnesty to 2.7 million illegal immigrates, he said that this combined with tougher sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants would slow or stop this type of immigration. “ What happened instead was the United States sent a message to the world that illegal immigrants could gain status in the United States without having to go through the normal process (Williams 4).” If we offer amnesty to 13 million law breakers, we are giving incentive for millions more. How dare our government offer up our country like a prize for breaking the law. All we know about these people is that they have no respect for our countries laws. It is because of all these people, that it takes so long for decent legal immigrants to get into our county. Where is the bill that needs to be passed to deport all of these illegal immigrants from our country. I have seen the support in the American people, but I have yet to see our congressmen and women do anything about it. What are they so afraid of, its not like these illegal citizens are voters.

This isn’t a race issue, I know many Mexican Americans who are just as, if not more ready to see these people go. My mother-in-law is a Mexican American, her family lived in Texas before it was even part of our country. She is tired of people looking at her like she doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t blame Americans for the prejudice she has been receiving. She blames the millions of illegal Mexican immigrants, who not only stole their rights to this country, but are stealing hers as well. One article says, “It is illegal immigration that causes problems and builds stereotypes. Disregard of U.S. migration law only causes problems for American citizens, especially those who immigrated here legally (Dudley 2).”
Many different organizations have tried offering solutions that have either been ineffective or inhumane. The Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) is one of them, this is a militarized group who’s plan to stop immigration has gone to far. This group has been know to use excessive force by physically casing harm to immigrants with the hopes that they will, ‘spread the word.’ According to one article, “LIC often results in massive environmental destruction, from manual and mechanical defoliation and destruction of habitat, to widespread use of chemical and biological agents.” With motos like “Everyone who crosses, or who may know or help someone else who crosses, is seen as the enemy, and treated accordingly ( King 2).”Another organization against illegal immigration refers to themselves as Minutemen, these are a group of citizen volunteers that patrol our borders and report sightings of illegal immigrants to Border Patrol officials. An article by Cinnamon Stillwell talks about how this group of citizens is acting as a neighborhood watch, but is not getting the gratitude they deserve. Instead they are being referred to as, “trigger-happy red necks out for blood.” They have even been accused of being vigilantes by President Bush. The author talks about how these immigrants are rendering our American
citizenship virtually meaningless. By “giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition at colleges and universities (which reeks of discrimination against out-of-state American students who are not afforded such privileges) and free health care and bank accounts, and it continues today with the ongoing crusade to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.” She continues to talk about how some people argue that illegal immigrants are taking jobs Americans don’t want. She says, “ the truth is that the expense to the taxpayers far outweighs the benefits (Stillwell 2).
I have several propositions that when used together can offer a real solution to our illegal immigration problem. I am looking for voter support and for our nations congress to act on this problem before it becomes a crisis. I want our president to stop pussy-footing around the situation. I agreed with the President when he said, “We are undoubtedly a nation of immigrants, and it is our responsibility, as a nation of immigrants, to ensure the right of others to legally migrate here in the future by successfully terminating the problem of illegal immigration today.” The first part of my plan is very simple. I am asking for our President to hold true to his voice. We American citizens voted in a conservative Republican, where did he go? I am also asking for our bordering states to receive financial and political support from our whole country. This means, I want the eleven states that offer driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants to stop immediately and revoke them. I want our president to pass a law that will define these people as criminals. I want our law enforcement agencies to be aloud to apprehend and deport these people for nothing other than just being here, amnesty denied. I want the wall that our border states need to stop these people from just walking across our deserts, to the freedom that I pay for. I want our national guard to be armed and ready to protect our borders. I am looking for a congressman or woman to write a bill that requires children to have social security numbers in order to attend
school. Once it passes, I am confident that Americans-with the best interest of their children-will vote it in. Then, I will be looking for statesmen and women to support their constituents voice. California citizens voted in proposition 187, which was aimed at stopping illegal immigrants from attending school in the California school system. A new governor, some red tape, and the carpet politicians sweep things under; stopped this from taking affect.
We also need to make some changes to our fourteenth Amendment which states, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. This Amendment was created to make slaves and their children citizens of this country. According to Edward Erler, “contrary to a currently fashionable argument, the denial of birth-right citizenship to children of illegal aliens does not punish the children for the sins of the parents because the children don’t have a right to citizenship in the first place-they are being denied nothing that is rightfully theirs (Erler 7).” I completely agree, why should we reward the illegal behavior of illegal immigrant mothers by giving their children automatic citizenship in our country.
I know these people are humans, not animals and I know these people are just looking for, and deserve, a better life. We should encourage these people once they’ve returned to Mexico to start a revolution. I want these people to have a good life, just not at my expense. I have a friend who is an illegal immigrant. He is a wonderful man. He came here with his wife and child in hopes of living the American dream. Everyday he works very hard at his job and his wife just received a degree in engineering. They live their lives as productive members of society. Many of us know people just like my friend and his wife. This is the reason some people are torn by what to do about this problem. I sympathize with these people, but that does not mean
that I wish to bare their financial burdens. I care about my friend and his family, but truthfully I care about my own much more. Some people may argue that these immigrants are taking jobs that Americans refuse to do. I disagree, they are letting shady companies get away with not paying fair and competitive wages. Some people may say that they are contributing to society. This may be true for some, but who are these people. We have no way of knowing whether these people are good natured people or cold hearted criminals.
Right now, as it currently stands Americas future looks very unstable. With the amount of illegal immigrants who are entering our country every year, it won’t be long before they render American citizenship worthless. It won’t be long before American citizens get fed up enough to metaphorically rip up their social security cards. Why should we be bound to Americas rules and regulations when so many are not. With my proposed solution, I can see a bright future for this country. We can return to our American way of living, where each individual is responsible for his or her own life. By implementing my proposition to require a social security number to attend school in our country, we can assure that the American dream stays the “American” dream. Our schools can concentrate on educating our own children. Our America-Mexican people can detach themselves from the stereotype that they do not belong in this country. With the estimated 50 billion dollars we Americas our paying for illegal immigrate healthcare, education, and incarceration; we should have no problem paying for their deportation. With protected borders we Americans will be able to sleep better at night. This added protection will also provide more jobs for American citizens. Life as I see it can only improve.
In conclusion, majority of us Americans are tired of the financial burden illegal immigrants are forcing us to carry. Unless we as a nation come together to solve this problem, as a nation will suffer the consequences. My hopes for writing this paper are as followed: I hope that some of our governing officials will read this and take the initiative to do what is right for our people. I want the American people to stand up for their rights and help pass the laws we are so desperately in need of. Most importantly, I am looking for the strength of our nation to over come its weaknesses and give back to the citizens of this country who worked so hard to build it.

“Works Cited”

D.A. King. Illegal Immigrants Should Not Be Issued Driver’s Licenses. “At Issue: What Rights Should Illegal Immigrants Have?”. Ed. Lori Newman. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

Dudley, William. America Must Take Stronger Measures to Halt Illegal Immigration. Illegal Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

Dudley, William. Illegal Immigration Creates Prejudice Against Legal Immigrants. Illegal Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Maricopa County Community College
5 Apr. 2007

Erler, Edward J. The United States Should Repeal Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants. “ Immigration and Citizenship.” Immigration. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press 1998. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar.2007

Friedman, Lauri S. Immigration Must Be Restricted to Reduce Terrorism. “Are Efforts to Reduce Terrorism Successful?”. At Issue Series. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Maricopa County Community College. 5 Apr. 2007

Moser, Bob. “Civilian Patrols Endanger Illegal Immigrants.” Illegal Immigration. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Opposing Viewpoints. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

Network, Border Action. Enforcement of Immigration Laws Harms Border Communities. Illegal Immigration. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Opposing Viewpoints. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

Ross, Pete. Personal Interview. 4 April 2007.

Stillwell, Cinnamon. Civilian Patrols Should Be Encouraged on the Border. “The Return of the Minutemen.” Illegal Immigration. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Opposing Viewpoints. Detroit: Greenhaven Press 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

Williams, Mary E. Illegal Immigrants Should Not Receive Amnesty. Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Maricopa County Community College. 5 Apr. 2006

Wooldridge, Frosty. Illegal Immigration Threatens America. “The Coming Break Up of America.” Illegal Immigration. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Opposing Viewpoints. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 26 Mar. 2007

1 comment:

Foot Loose said...

I admired your composure during your well given presentation! I also respect your conviction for the topic.